Grain Stored on the Farm in Australia: Strategies for Success


Many farmers in Australia store grains on their farms adopting it as a key activity in their farming activities which gives them room to manage sale of their produce in their style. There are different tactics for saving cereals and grain; as a result, people need to know them all for proper decision making based on their needs Specifically-Storing grain by commercial grain growers in Australia is a compulsory routine at the level of individual farms particularly with its benefits of enabling room for adaptation in marketing strategies With diverse grain storage options, it is important to distinguish between them so as to make an informed choice.

Towards this end, this blog provides an exploration of different approaches used in storing grains alongside their pros and cons as a way of guiding you into selecting the best methods suited for your farm.

Optimised Grain Storage Solutions

On-Farm Storage Strategies

1. Silos

Types of Silos:

· Sealed Silos: Airtight containers that are designed for long-term storage, protecting grain from pests and outside moisture; good for fumigation and controlling insect infestations.

· Unsealed Silos: These can store items for a short time but are not strongly constructed against vermin as well as humidity issue though cheaper than the former.


Long-Term Storage Capability: The long-term storage capacity of sealed silos is excellent for grains stored over extended periods.

Effective Pest And Moisture Control: Effective pest and moisture control is maintained by sealed silos that are specifically designed to exclude pests as well as moisture thus preserving quality of grain.

Versatility In Storage Duration: For any short-term storage needs unsealed silos can be easily adapted when required.


High Initial Investment: High initial investment is necessary because sealed silos are expensive initially but cheap to maintain later.

Regular Maintenance: Regular maintenance is also required so that unsealed silos can be kept free from pest attacks that may affect the quality of grain stored in them.

2. Grain Bags

Grain bags offer an inexpensive and flexible method of storing grain where it is hermetically sealed inside huge plastic containers just at the site of production.


Low Initial Investment: These are economical because they only need small structure in place.

Scalability And Flexibility: It requires only a few structures to work with several quantities: This means they are adjustable.

Minimal Infrastructure Requirement: In addition, you will not require large stores to build them up.


Susceptibility To Physical Damage: Be torn easily by wild animals or machinery, therefore, it is easy for grain bags to suffer physical damage.

To Avoid Spoilage: In order to avoid spoilage, it is best to store it in the right way and then return to it later.

For Immediate Rather Than Long-Term Storage: For immediate rather than long-term storage, better chances for immediate storage but cannot keep long-term.

3. Bunkers

Bunkers, also known as open-air warehouses, refers to piling up grain on the ground and are often covered with the tarps.


· It Is Less Expensive: Setting up bunkers is not costly.

· Suitable For Large Volumes: They are perfect for storing large amount of grain.

· Quick And Easy To Implement: They can be constructed quickly during peak harvest times.


The Danger Of Spoilage Is Higher: Exposed to the weather, grains are exposed to a high risk of getting spoiled.

Watchful Pest Control Measures: Pests can be prevented by always being watchful.

Temporary Storage Solution: They are only good for short-term storage.

4. Warehouses and Sheds

If we use farm buildings like warehouses and sheds, it is also an effective way to preserve grains.


· Makes Use Of What Is Already There: requires less startup capital.

· Offers Protection: against rain and sunlight.

· Flexible: can be changed to cater for other storage needs.


Probable Redevelopment: It might have to be redeveloped for the efficient storage of grains.

Potential For Pests And Moisture: The possibility of pests and moisture can be high in the given places if it is not managed properly.

Key Considerations for On-Farm Grain Storage

● Moisture Control

Preventing grain spoilage necessitates maintaining the appropriate moisture level. When there is too much moisture in it, the grain develops moulds and goes through fermentation. Also, grains can become very dry and lose quality if they lack adequate water content. Acquiring moisture measurement tools as well as paying attention to good aeration will guarantee that things stay as they should.

● Pest Management

Stored grain pests pose a major risk to grains. For instance, carrying out regular checks on grains, fumigating sealed silos and using protective barriers are integral parts of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) strategies in curbing effects of pests in stored grains.

● Monitoring and Maintenance

Quality grains are preserved as a result of a regular check-up on storage facilities, it prevents losses, and prevents losses. Philosophies covered in this procedure include searching out for leaks, the status of the structural design and even the condition of what is under finances.

● Economic Considerations

Even though on-farm storage can provide financial advantages such as improved marketing flexibility and possible cost savings, farmers should also consider the costs of constructing and operating this kind of storage.

Benefits of On-Farm Grain Storage

● Marketing Flexibility

By storing his grain on the farm, the farmer can decide when and how he wants to sell it. Growers who wait for more favourable market conditions will make more money one day as a result of on-farm storage.

● Reduced Harvest Pressure

Having grain on your farm is a great thing as it means you do not have to rush to any market to deliver it or store it in any commercial storage facility. As a result, the harvest might be better managed and logistics costs minimised.

● Quality Control

Farmers who store grain on their farms gain control over the storage conditions and maintain the quality of their grains. Thus, it can result in better market prices and produce that is of high quality.

Conclusion: Partner with KG2 for Optimised Grain Storage Solutions

Effective grain storage is a must in Australian grain farming is not in doubt. This involves comprehending the intricate details of sealing silos for long-term storage as opposed to using grain bags, which provide flexibility in doing so. Doing this ensures that grain quality is maintained and profits from such actions are maximised. We at KG2 have developed a range of services that cater to Australian farmers. These services include market research, data analysis, direct marketing, and digital marketplace platforms. Our prowess lies in agriculture. This implies that with us working together, you will be able to make calculated choices regarding your grain storage plans as well as other administrative levels of your farm. Do you desire the optimisation of your grain storage together with an increase in farm earnings?

Get in touch with KG2 Australia today!



Big Data Agribusiness & Database Insights — KG2

KG2 is the Australia based company, having largest information warehouse on Australian farmers. KG2 provides big data agribusiness services.